Wednesday, May 29, 2019

How can acousmatic music communicate its intention to the listener? Ess

Acousmatic music can be challenging to communicate its intention to the attendant. Unlike traditional music their is no score, no system and no pre-segmented distinguishable units like notes (Anderson, 2007 p. 2). Acousmatic music uses what is heard without seeing or knowing the physical origin of the sound as a compositional tool (Contr, WWW). It is a eccentric person of electroacoustic music, which exists in a recorded format, transmitted and perceived, during performances, via the loudspeaker (Anderson, p. 2). Rather than understanding conventional musical forms acousmatic music may rely only on conversation. Communication in the first place focuses on lyric. There are different forms of language when introduced to electroacoustic music. Language can be understood through listening, erudition and identification or understanding (Adkins, 1999 p. 2 Delalande, 1998 pp. 26 - 49 Nudds, 2007 p.7 Seddon, 2005 p. 1). These will be looked at to see if they can help in communicating the intention of acousmatic music to the hearer. Understanding language in advance may help in better understanding listening, perception and identification. Language is the bearer of meaning and is a universal medium of communication (Evans, 1973 p. 42 Stenlund, 1990 p. 14). With in electroacoustic music, language is used as a tool for establishing an aesthetic (Keane, 1986 p. 118). Pierre Schaeffer considers it as being presupposed (Windsor, 1995 1.1.1). Although, both talking about language they talk about different aspects of language in relation with electroacoustic music. Schaeffer talks about the creation of music, Keane talks about the process before making music. Schaeffers theory of language may mask the communication between composer and liste... ...eanes suggestion of explaining and expressing the intention to the listener through speech or literature (communication) seems like the most plausible way of making sure the listener will know the composers intent. This way the listener could put the composers intention together whilst listening, which may make the listening experience more enjoyable. The more informed the listener is about the music the more pleasurable and meaning the listening experience (Burton, Cavalier, Hoffer, Hughes, 1997 p. 1). Although, there are listeners who want to make their own listening experience through their perception regardless of knowing the intention of the piece. The only listeners who enjoyed the pieces were the musically trained listeners. Their theory was listening to acousmatic music may help them in gaining a wider understanding on the subject as it is ambiguous.

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